Saturday, May 8, 2010

About This Blog

Hello all you QU Law 1Ls! First off, congratulations on being accepted to QU Law! Now that you've been accepted and you're ready to start your semester, I figured it might be useful for you to have all the information that I wish I had a year ago.

Before we dive in, please note that this Blog in no way represents the views, opinions, or or beliefs of the Admissions Department or any other department or official at Quinnipiac Law. These are my personal findings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions, and I am merely putting them out in order to help students to succeed in law school. Everyone is different, and this information might not help everyone. This is simply all the information that my I could come up with (which is a lot, I know), and I hope it's helpful to some. So here we go!

Succeeding in law school is a lot like succeeding in golf: even if you're not a golfer, would you play an entire game with one club? NO! You could do it, but it wouldn't be easy at all. In order to do well, you need as many clubs as you can handle, but not so many that you never use some of them and thus never learn how to use them effectively. That being said, you want to go through law school the same way. You should have as many study aids as you can handle, but not so many that you can't use them all effectively.

Many students will try to scrape by with as little as possible, then they scramble during finals time when they figure out how much they have to do in order to understand everything. By that same token, there are some students who buy all these expensive study aids, get notes and briefs from 2Ls that took the same classes, and get every supplement they can. These students will be just as frustrated at the end of the semester because they haven't taken enough time with each study aid in order to really get used to how to use it and reap the benefits of it.

The point is to get as many clubs, I mean study aids, as you can use to your benefit. That being said, I'll try and help you out as much as I can in the following posts. Try to bear in mind that you won't have to use all the tips and tricks that I've pointed out... heck, I didn't even do that!

What They Don't Want You to Know covers where to get free outlines, online briefs, and online study guides, as well as what supplement books you might find useful (and some other useful information too).

Some of Your Potential Professors covers, well, what to expect in certain classes. This will probably be the MOST useful for people... I'm also getting information on professors that I didn't have from a friend or two in the different sections, so stay tuned if you don't see any info on your professors yet.

General Tips for Your 1L Year again, obviously covers some of the general tips, including how to do things efficiently (outlining, taking notes, listening in class...etc).

What It's REALLY Like covers the things that you'll learn in your first couple of weeks... sometimes it's just nice to know the little things before you get going.

Briefing Cases goes over what case briefing is, even though you will learn this in your first month or so as well.

Your First Real Summer Job goes over, well, what you can expect to get for a job after your 1L year.  We all dream of making $30 /hr our first summer... I hate to break it to you, but that probably won't happen! lol

Your 2L Year and Beyond will go over various changes that you'll have to deal with, including increased competitiveness, elective classes, classes to avoid, concentrations, jobs...etc. 

Outlines, Case Briefs, and More! might be one of the most helpful sections to some of you... I give you all of my outlines, case briefs, and, well, more! lol

I hope all of this is useful for you guys, and please feel free to ask any questions. You can post the questions here and I'll answer in the blog, or you can email me directly:

Good luck, and enjoy yourselves... the year will fly by SO QUICKLY!

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